Call to Action: Keep Your Kids Home
Keep your children home from school on June 1st and/or June 9th!
We are joining Parents Rights Day of Action in their Call to Action to keep our children home on June 9th, 2023.
Our children should be provided with an education that is free from indoctrination and is instead focused on the original pillars of education: reading, writing, and arithmetic.
This is a children’s rights issue! This action informs the school boards that gender ideology should be removed from schools and that the sexualization of our children will no longer be tolerated.
If you agree with us, you can silently protest by keeping your child/children home on June 9th.
Please also consider sending a message to your child’s principal and the school board explaining why you are keeping them home. We must fight for our children’s future! Children are entitled to an education that is free of sexualization.
Here is a potential letter you can use, but we suggest you create your own letter with your own wording:
Dear Sir/Madam
I will be keeping our child/children home today, June 9th, as a show of solidarity for the children across the city, province and country who deserve to have an education that is not consumed by a political ideology. Our children are entitled to an education that is free from sexualization. I demand that schools return to the original pillars of education: reading, writing and arithmetic.
I am calling for an end to the continual dissemination of ideological propaganda in our educational institutions.
A Concerned Parent
Stop politicizing education and let kids be kids!
Campaign Life Coalition is also encouraging parents to keep their kids home on June 1st.
Show your support for these issues by keeping your kids at home on June 1st and/or June 9th.
If you are in the Windsor area, a protest is happening at 11 am on June 9th.
*Update - June 6, 2023*
The silent protests across the country are having an impact!
“The first ever National ‘Pride’ Flag Walk-Out Day was a huge success,” CLC’s director of political operations Jack Fonseca told LifeSiteNews. “The parent participation and student absence rates in many schools and parts of Canada was much higher than we had even dreamed of achieving.”
“For instance, we’ve heard from local parents that Windsor, Ontario’s Northwood Public School saw 600 out of its 800 students stay home on June 1st. That’s a staggering 75% walk-out.”