Another “Community Engagement” session with free dinner was held in November, by the Thames Valley District School Board (particularly, based on labeling of the attached, its “Equity” office). To this one, only “(s)tudents, families and community members from the Hindu community” were invited. TVDSB (as it also did after its “Black”, “2SLGBTQIA+”, and “Low German Speaking and Mennonite” Community Engagement sessions at least) sent out a follow-up document (attached) to those enrolling for the session only.
Each of these documents states TVDSB “is committed to” various “Next Steps” listed. Presumably, it is promising to do these things. These documents have similarities. For simplicity of presentation, only the one following-up on the Hindu Community Engagement session (emailed to enrollees May 14, 2024) is discussed below, but all are attached for you to read and compare.
These Next Steps, though often unclear, at least sometimes comprise policy. Thus, if these ‘steps’ are promised, TVDSB is announcing to attendees only, board-wide policy changes it will undertake (rather than, for instance, will discuss with the entire board community). It also lists “What we are doing”: policy/action already in place.
Both the What we are doing and Next Steps, are policy pieces apparently responding to what TVDSB heard the attendees say (gathered as “… document(ation of) conversations that took place related to discussion questions …”), presented under the heading “What We Heard”.
The wording of each What we are doing and Next Step, may be difficult to understand. But here are some best guesses at what is meant by some of these, in case you were not invited/did not attend the session, but think you or your child deserves to know. TVDSB is of course welcome to clarify by answering all questions below.
Finally, did you know …
TVDSB’s “Black”, “2SLGBTQIA+”, and “Low German Speaking Mennonite” Engagement Sessions’ similar follow-up documents (attached), contain 19, 20, and 18 Next Steps respectively. The Hindu Community Engagement Session such document contains 20. (Why such similar numbers? Review and form your own opinion.)
According to the National Occupation Classification, “equity consultant” is not an occupation requiring licensing, whereas “… (t)o teach in Ontario’s publicly funded elementary and secondary schools (one) must be a member in good standing …” of the Ontario College of Teachers. The “renowned … equity consultant” the “facilitator” services of which TVDSB used and presumably paid for, is not currently listed as a member of the Ontario College of Teachers (a professional regulator).
--A Concerned Parent
"EQUITY" office at TVDSB may have stopped creating very similar reports of its Community Engagement sessions-- the attached, following up on the most recent Community Engagement session (for the Sikh Community), for instance, has only 5 points instead of the usual (and very similar) 20 or so, of prior such meetings (see above). Additionally, this one (note this was also the case for the Low German Speaking Community Engagement meeting) compared to the others from this sub-stack, does not mention the Compendium of Action for Affirming Transgender, Non-Binary and Genderqueer Students and Staff. (Note neither transgenderism nor 'genderqueer'-ness were reported as arising as an issue at the Hindu or Black Community Engagement meetings, but "providing professional learning" or existing provision to all schools of the "education resources" of that Compendium, was still listed under What we are doing or Next Steps of TVDSB.) Perhaps this Compendium is not as 'advertised' at certain, religious or cultural groups' Community Engagement meetings-- if so, why not? Or maybe it's now just being advertised less, generally, at any such meeting, by TVDSB? (And is the EQUITY office reading CPAL's substack?)
Read the Hindu Community Engagement Meeting report, and decide for yourself whether multiple criticisms of TVDSB, may be inferred from TVDSB's What we heard column. The Sikh Community Engagement Meeting report, however, does not appear to contain any criticisms of TVDSB (though if you look carefully, based on the inclusion under Next Steps of "... TVDSB is pleased to partner with internal and community partners to create expanded academic and extracurricular opportunities. These include the following initiatives ...", there might have been a parental criticism regarding inadequate rigour/challenge of learning materials and objectives). Question: Were there really no criticisms at all at the Sikh Community Engagement meeting, of TVDSB? (And might it be a good thing, to equally advertise to all students and parents "expanded academic and extracurricular activities"?)
-A Concerned Parent